Properties Cmte Mtg - monthly

Properties Cmte Mtg - monthly
Marin Council, 225 West End Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901, US
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Properties Committee Monthly Meeting - 7pm every 2nd Thursday

As our Council membership continues to be very active with our traditional Camping events and activities, there has been a lot of facility improvement under the guidance of our Council Properties Committee! This group is composed of a few dedicated adult volunteers led by longtime Chair John Pope, who work with our Camp Rangers AJ Quilty at Tamarancho and Jake Van Winkle at Marin-Sierra, with the support of District Exec MJ Andrews, to maintain and preserve our properties for current and future program needs.

But we need your help, please!

If you are a contractor, carpenter, electrician, plumber, painter, welder, tree trimmer, heavy equipment operator, handyperson, fundraiser, grant writer . . . or even if you just love our beautiful camps and want to volunteer for projects . . . or don't have time but can contribute to the Camp Preservation Fund, please let us know! We have several ongoing projects and weekend work parties planned! To help out in your area of expertise or just join in the fun with a great group of Scouters, please email John Pope. Our camps are some of the most precious Scout properties in Northern California; join us in preserving them for our Council and future generations!

Contact E-mail

(c) 2024 Marin Council, BSA
225 West End Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone:  415-454-1081
Fax:  415-454-5511